Sunday, April 08, 2007



The other day on Umma's daily walk, she found a wallet between cars parked on the curve. Driver license, credit card, $40.00 cash and some personal things. She was able to trace the owner which turned out to be part owner of the Tofu House Restaurant on Convoy Street. He was a young Korean man...just 4 years resident of San Diego. He was so grateful that he invited us to their place of business. Easter Sunday and no place to go we went there and had our lunch...the fun began. My sinuses were unclogged! I am glad that I can tolerate eating spicy food since I had my gastro-intestinal line treated in the Navy Hospital...I think they call it H-pyloric, a procedure where they pump your stomach with antibiotics. That was a long time ago...I was still working then at the Museum of Man. I can eat anything and not worry about having heartburn or having to take Zantas or other medicines.
This is Mok and Cora in his restaurant, "Tofu House"

Umagi (Eels)

Korean BBQ and Kimchi

Boiling Korean Soup

I had eaten Korean dishes and liked their food. I love kimchi...but Umma does not like anything spicy hot...that I never even suggested to her eating in such place. The soup she had is not spicy.It was served to us really boiling hot. We are not big eaters to start with, but Mok brought us three main dishes and an array of Korean pickles and of course some kimchi. I ordered eels and she order some beef...and Mok brought us another dish of Korean BBQ spareribs.

We had fun just looking at the food because the boiling soups of seafood was just enough to satisfy us. Most of the food was "doggie" bagged later. This means we are going to have them at least for three days...ah! we are going Korean for a while.

Easter Sunday, 2007


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